What is a CASE card? CASE stands for Copy and share Everything or Copy and Selectively Edit . Most card makers love to CASE cards especially when your mojo has gone AWOL. Also if you see a card you adore, you naturally want to recreate it and have it in your collection! It is a huge compliment to the creator to have their card CASE’d!

So as you can see from the top photo I have CASE’d this Tidings and Trimmings card from the current Annual Catalogue. I had a few minutes to spare when crafting the other day and quickly made this card. No planning needed. I had everything that was required. I love the Tidings of Christmas papers. I wasn’t keen on the ribbon on the original card so I substituted the ribbon for In Colour Shimmer Vellum. Card done and dusted!
Never feel embarrassed at CASEing a card. As I said it is a compliment to the original creator. The polite thing to do if you do CASE a card is to acknowledge the original maker for coming up with the idea.
Happy Stamping!