Off cuts, what do you save in the way of offcuts and what do you do with the excess accumulation of off cuts. The end of this week is my 14 year anniversary of being with Stampin’Up! and that drawer full of Whisper White trim offs is what I have accumulated over the 14 years.
It shows two things. Firstly I have been very good at using up my offcuts in projects over the years. Secondly a blowout occurred last year when I had to move to online class kits and not face to face classes where a lot of my offcuts were used by class attendees.

Prepearing kits has meant a lot of Whisper White excess trim off pieces. So what is your suggestion as to what should I do with them? Please leave a comment below on what your idea would be. Thanks!
Happy Stamping!
1. Washi tape them and use on cards.
2. Color with blender pens and use on cards instead of ribbon.
3. Cut diagonal and then put on double sided tape and glitter. Use for starburst effect.
4. Small stamps with versa mark. Then heat emboss with clear powder. Sponge with ink and use on the inside with greeting.
Thanks Shanna! I love those ideas, especially colouring them with Blends and using instead of ribbon.
Janine, for the last few years I have been sending all my offcuts – large and small to a creche. they are always happy to get them